VariableSpecific - Table
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Table: VariableSpecific

A term that describes a subcategorization of the site-specific variable. This allows the user to specify not only the general category of water data, but also a more specific categorization. For example, for a subcategorization of water withdrawal, the variable would be [SiteSpecificWithdrawal, Irrigation]. Other examples: [SiteSpecificConsumptiveUse, Irrigation], [SiteSpecificReturnFlow, Discharge], etc.


PKNameData TypeNULLAutoDefaultCommentFK

NameNVarChar(250) Internal unique identifier string used for term name. Name / listing of the term as noted from the data provider from the source data.
TermNVarChar(250) Unique string of the term. Name / listing of the term as noted from the data provider from the source data.

Definition of the term as noted from the data provider from the source data.

Two digit state abbreviation where the term was provided from. If multiple, use comma separated list.

Web link to source glossary / index of where the data provider provides the term and it's definition.

WaDE specific term used to group and categorize similar beneficial uses and facilitate data visualizations and queries across state boundaries.



Foreign Keys




Used in Diagrams

Diagram Name