WaterAllocations - Table
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Table: WaterAllocations


PKNameData TypeNULLAutoDefaultCommentFK
MethodUUIDNVarChar(250) Foreign key unique identifier to Methods_dim table.
OrganizationUUIDNVarChar(250) Foreign key unique identifier to Organization_dim table.
SiteUUIDsNVarChar(250) Foreign key unique identifier to Sites_dim table.
VariableSpecificUUIDNVarChar(250) Foreign key unique identifier to Variables_dim table.

Foreign key unique identifier to Dates_dim table. Date of the original filing on the water right record.

List of other sites if this water right has one or more associate consumptive use sites. Add the consumptive use UUIDs as comma separated list here.

List of other sites if this water right has one or more associate diversion sites. Add the diversion UUIDs as comma separated list.

Description of whether this water right is based on water withdrawals/diversion or consumptive use/depletion amount.

Indicator if this water right was the result of a change application.

If the use is municipal, the data provider can add the SDWIS identifier for the CWS. Only for site specific data. Leave it null for aggregate data.

Crop Duty amount. The number of acres of land that is irrigated for the complete growth of a crop by supplying 1-meter cubes per second of water continuously throughout the crop.

Expiration date the water right expires (only really applies if the right is a temporary one).

The state recognized water right water amount in terms of flow (CFS).
AllocationLegalStatusCVNVarChar(250) The state recognized legal status of the water right (e.g., proven, approved, perfected, adjudicated, etc.)
AllocationNativeIDNVarChar(250) The state's unique identifier for the water right and it's record.
AllocationOwnerNVarChar(250) Name of the owner / entity with possession of the water right.
AllocationPriorityDateDate Date given to the water right by the state. Date the water right become legal. Format of MM/DD/YYYY.
AllocationTimeframeEndDate End date when the water right no longer can legaly access the assinged water. Format of MM/DD.
AllocationTimeframeStartDate Start date when the water right can legaly access the assinged water. Format of MM/DD.

Description of the type of water right (e.g., Underground Water Claim, Federal Reserved Water Right, etc).

The state recognized water right water amount in terms of volume (AF).
BeneficialUseCategoryCVNVarChar(250) The data provider's recognized stated purpose for the water right (e.g., irrigation, power, etc) (if multiple, provide as a comma separated list).

Name of the community water system the water right serves (if available).

The type of crop watered by the water right (if available) (e.g., wheat, alfalfa, corn, hay, etc.) (applies mostly to irrigation uses).

Description of the type of customer the water right services (e.g., Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional, Combined, Unspecified, etc).
DataPublicationDateIDBigInt Date that this data was published by the data provider to the public.

A unique digital object identifier into the original dataset.

Database indicator for special records. if yes (1), then amount flow, volume, and priority dates can be null (e.g., this case represents groundwater rights in Arizona outside the AMA and INA areas).

The power (GWh) to be generated by the water right record (if available) (mostly applies to power generating beneficial uses).

Number of acres irrigated by the water right (if available).

A term to describe the method used for the place of use (if available) (applies mostly to irrigation beneficial uses).

If this water right was the result of a change application, add the legacy right IDs as a comma separated list here.

A term that categorizes the water right owner to a predetermined WaDE defined group. Used for data query and filtering purposes.

The amount of population served by the water right (if available).

Description of the type of power generated.

The primary stated purpose by the water right (if available).

If the use is municipal, the data provider can add the SDWIS identifier for the CWS.

Refers back to the state URL that describes the water right (e.g., https://www.waterrights.utah.gov/asp_apps/wrprint/wrprint.asp?wrnum=55-12888).



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