WaDE2.0 [WaDE2.01.xml]
A term that describes the source type of the water allocation (e.g., surface water, groundwater, mixed sources, reuse, etc.)
PK | Name | Data Type | NULL | Auto | Default | Comment | FK |
| Name | NVarChar(100) | Internal unique identifier string used for term name. Name / listing of the term as noted from the data provider from the source data. | ||||
Term | NVarChar(250) | Unique string of the term. Name / listing of the term as noted from the data provider from the source data. | |||||
Definition | NVarChar(4000) |
| Definition of the term as noted from the data provider from the source data. | ||||
State | NVarChar(250) |
| Two digit state abbreviation where the term was provided from. If multiple, use comma separated list. | ||||
SourceVocabularyURI | NVarChar(250) |
| Web link to source glossary / index of where the data provider provides the term and it's definition. | ||||
WaDEName | NVarChar(150) |
| WaDE specific term used to group and categorize similar beneficial uses and facilitate data visualizations and queries across state boundaries. |
Diagram Name |
5_ContreolledVocabulary |